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Artificial Intelligence MCQ's With Answers

Artificial Intelligence


1. The knowledge engineer might already be an expert in the domain, or might need to work with real experts to extract what they know-a process called ____________ 

  1. knowledge acquisition 
  2. PEAS Process 
  3. Knowledge task 
  4. knowledge gathering

Ans: knowledge acquisition

2.The statement comprising the limitations of FOL is/are ____________ 

  1. Expressiveness 
  2. Formalizing Natural Languages 
  3. Many-sorted Logic 
  4. All Of Above

Ans: All Of Above

3. first order logic also known as ___________________ 

  1. Lower Order Calculus 
  2. Multivariable Calculus 
  3. single-variable calculus 
  4. None

Ans: Lower Order Calculus

4. a ________________ is some one who investigate a particular domain, learns what concepts are important in that domain, and creates a formal representation of the objects and relations in the domain. 

  1. Mechanical engineering 
  2. comunication 
  3. Knowledge Engineering 
  4. None

Ans: Knowledge Engineering 

5. The adjective ,"first-order", distinguishes first-order logic from ___________ in which there are predicates having predicates or functions as arguments, or in which one or both of predicate quantifiers or function quantifiers are permitted. 

  1. Representational Verification 
  2. Representational Adequacy 
  3. Higher Order Logic 
  4. new order logic

Ans: Higher Order Logic

6. A Term with no variables is called a 

  1. ground term 
  2. no term 
  3. zero term 
  4. unit term

Ans: ground term 

7. Which statement is an correct example of universal quantification 

  1. x King(x) ⇒ Person(x) . 
  2. ∀ x King(x) ⇒ Person(x) .
  3. x King(x) ∧ Person(x)
  4. x King(x) v Person(x)

Ans: ∀ x King(x) ⇒ Person(x) .

8. Which statement is an correct example of Existential quantification 

  1. x Crown(x) ∧ OnHead(x, John) . 
  2. x King(x) ∧ Person(x) 
  3. x King(x) v Person(x) 
  4. ∃ x Crown(x) ∧ OnHead(x, John) .

Ans: ∃ x Crown(x) ∧ OnHead(x, John) .

9. Knowledge Engineering is field of Artificial Intelligence 

  1. TRUE 
  2. FALSE

Ans: TRUE  

10. Which is not a property of representation of knowledge? 

  1. Representational Verification 
  2. Inferential Adequacy 
  3. Inferential Efficiency 
  4. Acquisitional Efficiency.

Ans: Representational Verification 

11. Why First Order Predicate Logic more expressive than Propositional Logic ? 

  1. its uses Relations And Variables only. 
  2. uses only Quantifiers 
  3. Uses Relations,Variable and Quantifiers  
  4. uses None of the above

Ans: Uses Relations,Variable and Quantifiers 

12. First Order Logic symbol can be a? 

  1. Constant term, Variable Term or a Function 
  2. only Contant term 
  3. Only A function 
  4. Constant term and a Variable term

Ans: Constant term, Variable Term or a Function

13. Rules in First Order Logic has two parts?  

  1. Predecessor and Succesor 
  2. Quantifier And Succesor 
  3. Predecessor and Variable 
  4. Relations and a function

Ans: Predecessor and Succesor

14. What is correct About The Universal Quantifier. 

  1. symbolized by " ∃ ".
  2. Pronounced as "there exists" 
  3. it is not applicable to all variables in the predicate. 
  4. Pronounced as " for all ".

Ans: Pronounced as " for all ".

15. What is correct about the First Order Logic (FOL). 

  1. It is a Weak Knowledge Representation Language 
  2. it is a Foundation Level Logic
  3. it is Declarative in Nature. 
  4. it is a Higher Level Logic

Ans: it is a Higher Level Logic

16. What is Fordward Chaining ? 

  1. works towards a Final Stage. 
  2. there should be a Path from Start to Goal
  3. also called as " Goal-Driven Inference Technique". 
  4. Top-Down Reasoning.

Ans: there should be a Path from Start to Goal

17. What is Backward Chaining ?

  1. works from a initial Stage. 
  2. also called as "Goal-Driven Inference Technique". 
  3. Bottom-Up Reasoning 
  4. it is used in "Design Expert System"

Ans: also called as "Goal-Driven Inference Technique".

18. what is Resolution? 

  1. It is a Valid Inference Rule. 
  2. was Discovered in 1980 
  3. It is a Recursive Algorithm 
  4. it is not the only inference rule needed to build a Sound and Complete theorm proof maker

Ans: It is a Valid Inference Rule.

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Thank You : Sourabh Patil

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