Artificial Intelligence MCQ's | AI Unit 5 MCQ's | WaoFamHub

Artificial Intelligence MCQ's With Answers

Artificial Intelligence


1. What is Correct about Planning in AI ? 

  1. It is an Activity where agent is not involved for the sequence of actions to accomplish Target. 
  2. Planning that needs Decision making by Intelligent system to accomplish the given target. 
  3. Aim of Agent in Planning is to find the Proper target. 
  4. All the Above options are correct

Ans: Planning that needs Decision making by Intelligent system to accomplish the given target. 

2. what is correct about ,Planning different from problem solving? 

  1. Less powerfull than Problem Solving
  2. Planning agent only has situations and goals , and doest have operations.  
  3. Planning agent cannot deal with situations/states more effeciently 
  4. Planning is a logical representation, based on situations,goals and operations of Problem solving

Ans: Planning is a logical representation, based on situations,goals and operations of Problem solving

3. Which among the given options is a Major Approach of Planning?  

  1. Planning without state 
  2. Space search Conditional Planning 
  3. Planning without Operators 
  4. Simple Planning 

Ans: Conditional Planning 

4. What is true about Analysis of Planning Approaches? 

  1. Planning combines two area of AI, namely Search And Logic. 
  2. Forward Search would not Adddress the problem heuiristically 
  3. Planner is not used in a program , that proves existence of a solution. 
  4. None of the above.

Ans: Planning combines two area of AI, namely Search And Logic. 

5. What is a Planner in a program? 

  1. Planner uses Top-bottom approach 
  2. Can solve any problem with backtracking method 
  3. Shortest plan can be Guaranteed by Planner.
  4. Planner searches for a Solution in a program.

Ans: Planner searches for a Solution in a program.

6. what is incorrect about Planning Graphs ? 

  1. Special data structure used to get better accuracy. 
  2. Only works for Propositional Problems without variables. 
  3. Any of the search technique can make use of Planning graphs 
  4. It is not a Directed graphs and is not useful in to accomplish an improved heuristic estimates

Ans: It is not a Directed graphs and is not useful in to accomplish an improved heuristic estimates

7. Mutual Exclusion Relation Holds between two Literals when ? 

  1. One action cancels out the effect of another action. 
  2. One of the effect of action is negation of preconditions of other action 
  3. If each possible action pair that could achieve the literal is mutually exclusive.
  4. If one literal is not the negation of the other literal OR.

Ans: If each possible action pair that could achieve the literal is mutually exclusive.

8. Which is the Correct Statement about Properties of Planning Graph? 

  1. If goal is absent from last level then goal can be achieved  
  2. If there exists a path to goal then goal is present in the last level.
  3. If goal is Present in the last level then there may exist any path. 
  4. None of the Above.

Ans: If there exists a path to goal then goal is present in the last level.

9. What is a State-Space Search?

  1. It is a process used in designing programs to search for data or solutions to problems.
  2. It is Favourable for solving real life problems. 
  3. It does not require complete description of every searched state. 
  4. Search of a state should not be necessarily carried out locally.

Ans: It is a process used in designing programs to search for data or solutions to problems.

10. Which of the following option is incorrect about Hierarchical Planning? 

  1. Also called as Plan Decomposition. 
  2. Complex actions cannot be decomposed into more primitive actions. 
  3. Denoted with the help of Links between various States at different levels. 
  4. There is a term called as Operator expansion in Hierarchical planning.

Ans: Complex actions cannot be decomposed into more primitive actions. 

11. Which is not a procedural step of Planner in Hierarchical Planning? 

  1. First Indentify A Hierarchy of major conditions 
  2. Construct a plan in all levels. 
  3. Finally Demostrate 
  4. Patch up Minor levels as detail actions become visible

Ans: Patch up Minor levels as detail actions become visible

12. What is incorrect about Indeterminancy in planning? 

  1. Does not depends on the amount of Knowledge available. 
  2. Also called as "Bounded Indeterminancy" 
  3. It is when Actions have unpredictable effects. 
  4. None of the Above

Ans: Does not depends on the amount of Knowledge available. 

13. Which is not a Planning Strategies for handling indeterminancy? 

  1. Sensorless Planning 
  2. Execution Monitoring And Replanning. 
  3. Static Planning 
  4. Conditional Planning

Ans: Static Planning 

14. Which is Not a Multi Agent Planning Strategies?

  1. Co-operation 
  2. Mulltibody 
  3. Planning Competition 
  4. Competition Continuous Planning

Ans: Competition Continuous Planning

15. What is correct about The Conditional Planning? 

  1. which works regardless of the outcome of an action. 
  2. Takes place in Fully Observable Environment (FOE). 
  3. Take place in Partially Obervable Environment (POE). 
  4. All of the above options.

Ans: All of the above options.

16. What is True about Classical Planning Framework? 

  1. Problem Generator is absent 
  2. Planner does not takes places,for searching solutions 
  3. Domain experts Designs the Operators. 
  4. All the obove options are true.

Ans: Domain experts Designs the Operators. 

17. What is Situation Calculus? 

  1. Only specify condition at the start of action and end of the action. 
  2. Can represent what happened during the action was taking place.  
  3. Represents Simultaneous Action.
  4. It is based on time points.

Ans: Only specify condition at the start of action and end of the action. 

18. What is inncorrect about Event Calculus? 

  1. it is not based on time points.  
  2. consist of Events and Fluents. 
  3. Fluents of Event Calculus are objects to Represent facts but do not specify its ThruthFulness. 
  4. Described as instance of the event category.

Ans: it is not based on time points.  

19. What is incorrect statement Semantic Networks ? 

  1. It is a Knowledge Representation technique used for Proptional information. 
  2. Nodes of the Semantic nets denotes Objects while Links indicates the Relation among the objects  
  3. It is something which do not uses Graphical Notation to draw the network 
  4. Semantic nets or networks Defined as Labeled Directed Graph.

Ans: It is something which do not uses Graphical Notation to draw the network 

20. Which is the only Disadvantage of Semantic Networks among the given Option? 

  1. Semantic nets are simple and easy to understand.  
  2. In Semantic nets the Links between the Objects represent only binary relations. 
  3. Semantic nets are easy to implement using PROLOG. 
  4. Semantic nets represents meaning of relationships in a tranparent manner.

Ans: In Semantic nets the Links between the Objects represent only binary relations. 

21. Which of the options is an incorrect statement about STRIPS Language(Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver). 

  1. only allows positive literals in state. 
  2. Goals are Conjunctions. 
  3. Make use of Open World Assumptions. 
  4. Does not Support Equality.

Ans: Make use of Open World Assumptions. 

22. What is Correct about the Action Description Language(ADL). 

  1. Effects are Conjunctions. 
  2. We can only Find Ground Literals in goals. 
  3. Does not have support for types. 
  4. Equality Predicate ( x = y ) is built in.

Ans: Equality Predicate ( x = y ) is built in.

23. Which is not a component of Partial Order Planning (POP). 

  1. Set of Actions 
  2. Sets of ordering constraints/preconditions.
  3. Set of Causal links. 
  4. Set of closed Preconditions.

Ans: Set of closed Preconditions.

24. What is the correct option about Progression Planner? 

  1. Need information about predecessors of the current state. 
  2. Also called as "Forward State-Space Search"
  3. It is an undeterministic planning technique
  4. For searching method we start from Final goal stage and go to intial state.

Ans: also called as "Forward State-Space Search"

25. What is the incorrect option about Regression Planner? 

  1. Also called as Backward State-Space search 
  2. we start from finishing state and go to the Initial state 
  3. Back tracking is involved to find out best possibility. 
  4. Need information about Successors of the current state.

Ans: Need information about Successors of the current state.

26. The process by which the brain incrementally orders actions needed to complete a specific task is refferred as

  1. Planning Problem 
  2. Partial order planning 
  3. Total Planning Order 
  4. Both Planning Problem and Partial order Planning

Ans: Partial order planning 

27. In Partial Order plan .A.Relationships Between the actions of the behavior are set prior to the actions B.Relationship beetween the actions of the behavior are not set until absolutely necessary choose the correct option 

  1. A is true 
  2. B is True 
  3. Either A or B can be True depends 
  4. Neither A Nor B is True

Ans: A is true 

28. A plan thet Describe how to take Actions in level of increasing refinement and specificity is  

  1. Problem Solving 
  2. Planning 
  3. Non-Hierarchical Plan 
  4. Hierarchical Plan

Ans: Hierarchical Plan

29. Aconstructive Approach in which no Commitment is made unless it is necessary to do so, is  

  1. Least Commitment 
  2. Most Commitment Approach 
  3. NonLinear Planning 
  4. Opportunistic Planning

Ans: Least Commitment 

30. Uncertainty arise in the Wumpus World Because the agent's Sensor Give only 

  1. Full & Global information 
  2. Partial & Global information 
  3. Partial & local information 
  4. Full & local Information

Ans: Partial & local information 

31. what is advantages of totally ordered plan in constructing the plan 

  1. Reliability
  2. Flexibility 
  3. Easy to use 
  4. Requireibility

Ans: Flexibility

Thank You : Sourabh Patil

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